How long do they last?

Our BABs are made out of 100% latex and naturally shrink overnight. We recommend getting your confetti BABs delivered the day of your event to prevent any premature casualties and uh-ohs. If you ordered custom vinyl, this looks best the day of your event because it will wrinkle as the BAB shrinks.

Confetti BABs generally stay afloat for 24 hours, but cannot be guaranteed as it depends on how they are stored (temperature and humidity) and how much weight is hung from them. Non-Confetti/Solid Color BABs can last 2-4 days as there is a special solution inside that prevents the helium from seeping out! This solution cannot be used with confetti BABs because it will ruin the confetti.

We cannot guarantee your BABs will last after our team leaves the venue… We ask that if you must move the balloons, follow your standard balloon protocols – stay away from all sharp, hot things and little people haha! But really, you never know what‘s sticking out of a nice, clean wall so try not to let them bounce off of anything, especially brick, wood, hot cars, trees, grass, etc.

Big Ass Balloons will replace any BABs that we pop, but we are not responsible for any balloons you pop or let go after we leave.

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