Can I pick up my order?

If you are in Houston or Dallas – Yes. Please see our *Locations* for more details or click *here* to schedule your pickup. If you are in Atlanta, we only offer delivery. All other locations can have our products shipped deflated with detailed assembly instructions, see our shipping information *here*.

  • Pickup Information: Alpaca? Showing Houston and Dallas
    Thursday – Friday 10AM – 3PM
  • Drawing of what type of cars fit how many balloons;
  • This is typically what you can expect to fit in certain vehicles but be aware that there are some exceptions. In general, plan to come in the largest car possible for your scheduled pickup! Free of car seats, boxes, or any large items that take up space where you balloons may sit.
  • small 4-door sedan(toyota corolla) – one BAB
  • large 4-door sedan (like a honda accord) – 1-2 BABs OR 6ft garland
  • small suv (like a nissan rogue) – 2-3 BABs OR 6-8ft garland
  • large suv (like a toyota 4 runner) – 4 BABs OR 1 BAB + 6-8ft garland OR 10-12ft garland
  • exceptions: bmw x7 suv? or x1?, NO 2-door vehicles
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This date is currently not available, however, sometimes we do get cancellations or booked orders re-schedule and space may open up for extra deliveries! If you would like to be the first person we call, please fill out our custom order form here.